Monday, 31 December 2007
不得了(續集) :: war of the worlds (2)
The mystery seems to be resolved ... for the time being, to some extent. But further mysteries remain: why is none of those items reported missing? And come did it end up there on a beach??
- BBC:beach container mystery resolved
- flashback:不得了(war of the worlds)
Sunday, 30 December 2007
飯民煮 :: pan frying
The past weekend, I made myself a slow fried rice to commemorate (or resonate with) Beijing's announcement that Hong Kong is not yet to have universal suffrage over the next ten years. There is no fast food democracy, so they say.
祕訣之一:循序 —— 放材料次序不可搗亂,正如不可以先普選立法會才普選特首一樣。
秘訣之二:漸進 —— 除了未放任何材料之前用猛火把油燒熱之外,之後一直保持中火,把材料逐樣炒,條件成熟才可以加第二樣,就如民主沒有快餐一樣,不能心急。
秘訣之三:務實 —— 如果飯量不夠就會不夠飽,所以我臨時決定加入馬鈴薯切絲,這樣就很夠實質了。
秘訣之四:理性 —— 各樣材料的比例和份量,都經過理性分析衡量,所以比例不可以隨便改變,否則炒出來就會走樣。
不得了 :: war of the worlds?
What in the world is THIS?
Makes me think of some extraterrestrial beings preparing for invasion ...
【picture from BBC】
我立即就想到The War of the Worlds、Independence Day那些東西。
哎呀 ... 我看得科幻片太多了 ...
- flashforward:不得了(續集) war of the worlds (2)
Saturday, 29 December 2007
廣告 :: advertisement
The Head of our Divinity School, Prof. Larry Hurtado, is the presenter of an 8-part video series Devotion to Jesus: the Divinity of Christ in Earliest Christianity. The first episode (in Flash) can be watched HERE. Even if you are not interested in the topic (which in fact points to the very core of Christian theology), and despite the para-professional technical production standard, you can still enjoy some shots of our school and its surrounding, and see how Hurtado promotes it.
咱院長Larry Hurtado粉墨登場,替美國Wesley Ministry Network製作的影片Devotion to Jesus:the Divinity of Christ in Earliest Christianity擔任主持,探討耶穌何時、何以、如何被最早的基督徒認定為神,涉及的問題,直指基督教神學的核心,十分過癮。
就算你對那個題目完全沒有興趣,也值得看看Hurtado一開場就替學院賣的廣告,欣賞敝神學院及鄰近一帶的風貌,還有一位香港同學 (不是我呀) 的側面背影硬照,大可以稍為撫慰一下各位非理性地仰慕愛丁堡的心靈。
Thursday, 27 December 2007
聖誕雜錦 :: assorted Christmas Day
Though it is my 5th winter here, it is in fact the first time I ever spend my Christmas Day in Edinburgh. It all started with my first-ever midnight mass in a century, continued with bits and pieces of reading, and culminated in the unprecedented 9.5-hour gathering of ethnic Chinese theological students.
1. 子夜彌撒:St. Mary's Cathedral
2. 讀馬家輝:《在沒有民主快餐的夜裡想起聖誕大餐》 (明報+稿紙以外, 12月25日)
The fun stuff:
『... 1905年2月份《循環日報》上的一段廣告 ... 「鹿角酒店」的西餐單 ... 向顧客提供兩類選擇,一曰「小餐」,一曰「大餐」,前者9毫,後者1圓,菜式分別如下。
小餐菜式﹕1. 蟹肉泮絲湯;2. 焗鮮魚;3. 牛扒;4. 茨會雞;5. 番茄蛋;6. 燒豬排;7. 燴火腿;8. 凍肉;9. 咖喱蝦;10. 炮茨仔;11. 桃菜;12. 布甸;13 夾餅;14. 咖啡;15. 糖茶;16. 牛奶;17. 芝士;18. 鮮果。
大餐菜式﹕1. 吉士豆湯;2. 炸魚;3. 燒白鴿;4. 炸西雞;5. 大蝦巴地;6. 路粉鴨肝;7. 燒牛肉;8. 燴火腿;9. 凍肉;10. 咖喱奄列;11. 燴茨仔;12. 燴蘿蔔;13. 糖果布甸;14. 杏仁餅;15. 炸蛋絲;16. 咖啡;17. 糖茶;18. 牛奶;19. 芝士;20. 鮮果。』
The real meat & juice of his article:
『... 駕車駛經中環,看看窗外的熙熙攘攘的歡笑男女,想想街角另一邊坐著另一群孤獨的絕食男女,我忍不住想起香港所曾有過的和現正經歷的被人操縱命運的黑色聖誕,以及飢餓,以及飽足,以及,我們的蒼白和渺小和自私。』
一個被人操縱命運的群體,飢餓,飽足,蒼白,渺小,自私 ... 噢,基督道成肉身,豈不正是進入這樣人間、這樣的世界,這樣的歷史麼?
3. 讀Ben Witherington:'no room in the what?' (Christianity Today, 19 December) (see also his blog post on 9 December)
『... the Greek of Luke's text says, 'she wrapped him in cloth and laid him in a corn crib, as there was no room in the guest room.' ... Luke does not say there was no room in the inn. Luke has a different Greek word for inn (pandeion) ... The word he uses here [is] kataluma ... 』 (my emphasis)
根據Witherington所講,路加並非要描繪約瑟馬利亞在伯利恆找不到 「客棧」房間而被逼睡馬房 (況且伯利恆這樣的小村落,當時其實有沒有客棧都成問題),而是投靠親戚,但親戚的 「客房」已經有人住了,就安排他們到屋後養動物牲畜的小屋。
4. 華裔神學生聖誕又飯聚
其中highlight中的highlight,當然是某嫂嫂跟我們分享她得到的聖誕禮物囉 —— 那瓶價值超過一百鎊的紅酒,真令無產神學人腳軟,差D淨係望住唔敢飲。
【photo from TY's camera; more in Ben's blog】
' ... in Britain, public authorities and utilities find it difficult to grasp that they exist to provide a service. To us.'
Yam 飲者
12:42 am
Category: drink/eat/man/woman, learn/think/read/write, live/die/sink/swim
Monday, 24 December 2007
Sunday, 23 December 2007
隨機應變煮一餐 :: cooking with brain turned on
Thinking on my feet, I made this 'fresh tomato-potato sauce on light pan fried aubergine (US: egg plant)' for dinner tonight. What can I say except YUMMY? I'm proud of you, self!
今夜晚餐真精采,已經開始了備菜才一面構想到底要做甚麼怎樣做,結果做出了這個 『隨機應變鮮茄土豆醬鹽燒茄子』,成績勁爆,情難自要禁分享 一下。其實在香港時也用其他材料 (豆腐、雞蛋等) 做過類似菜式,不過出動到本地馬鈴薯就真是臨時感動。(基本靈感來自多年前 ... 嘩真係好多年前咯 ... 在香港大尾篤那家唔記得乜名總之唔慌有位的泰國餐廳,做法是自創的。)
材料做法如下: (以下為一人份量)
- LIDL半價入貨茄子半個,垂直切成三角柱體 (即每條都有一面有皮)。【註:茄子那紫色的皮是其營養精華所在,不能不吃! 】
- (a) LIDL特價小土豆(薯仔)一個,切細粒。(b) 半價大番茄 (beef tomato) 大半個 (有小半我空口吃了),切細粒。(c) 蒜頭數粒,切片。
- 把油燒滾,收中火,把茄子小心鋪上,逐面煎,至微焦,撒鹽再稍煎一會,上碟排好,蓋好保溫。
- 中火把蒜片爆香,放鹽、黑椒粉,把土豆粒炒熟;加進番茄粒,不時搞動至番茄溶化,稍加小量水,繼續搞。不久,水已經跟番茄薯仔粒混和,收火。
- 淋在早已放好一排的茄子上,成了。
醬汁的內容可隨自己喜好調節,用其他東西代替無產神學人吃的薯仔;豪華一點可以用海鮮粒,肉海饑民可以用豬牛雞 ... 不過別吃那麼多肉啦,啊?
Saturday, 22 December 2007
金博士的聖誕禮物 :: Merry Christmas Dr. Kim
My Korean next-seat neighbour passed his viva Thursday, with only minor amendments required. What a Christmas present!
金博士的論文,批判韓國的主流基督教史觀 (historiography),根據小道消息透露,火力非常猛烈,屬於片甲不留一類。
Thursday, 20 December 2007
第十二章 :: chapter 12
I finally finished writing an essay which is going to be the 12th chapter in a book scheduled to be published in late 2008 — my first ever book chapter in an academic publication. It was an expansion on a conference paper presented earlier this year and an adaptation of some parts of my thesis, but it consumed much more time, energy, and confidence than I ever expected. Now, back to my core business of thesis revision to prepare for submission.
星期三半夜,終於 (是終於) 寫成了那篇苦纏多天的文章,心情頓然放鬆。
完成之前曾經有兩天,居然完全感到老鼠拉龜毫無進展,一陣恐怖感覺湧上 —— 如果寫不出一個make sense的結論,即是這篇文章的立論並不make sense;既然這文章是以博士論文的某個部份為藍本的,那即是說,原來我的博士論文也不make sense。死硬了。
結果是晚上差不多十一時才開動,一個多小時完工。(其實還是回到最初原稿的結論為基礎,補充改寫。又是兜了一大圈。) 回頭再看一次,得! 掂!
這 (將會、應該、照計、順利的話、如無意外、主若願意) 不但是我首次為一本英文學術書籍寫的book chapter,也是我寫的東西首次跟一本 『書』(而非書背後的人) 發生關係,預計2008年底由一家頗有份量的學術出版社出版,我寫的是第十二章。(講明呀,冇書送架,按合約條款,我都係得一本留為紀念咋。)
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Steve Holmes on Bruce McCormack's Torrance Lectures
聖安德烈大學神學講師Steve Holmes大約一周前開了網誌。【消息來源:andygoodliff】。
連結:托倫斯講座 (TF Torrance Lecture 2007) — 有關講座的中文握要,如轉引請銘謝Ben Wu
(a brief summary of the lectures in Chinese, please acknowledge Ben Wu if you are quoting)
St. Andrew's theology lecturer Steven Holmes has started a blog called Shored Fragments about a week ago. 【HT: Andy Goodliff】
Over the last two days, he has been blogging on the recent TF Torrance Lectures (Scottish Journal of Theology Lectures) held at St. Andrews and delivered by Bruce McCormack (Princeton Seminary, formerly Edinburgh University).
The first two posts are HERE and HERE.
Watch for yourselves. More to come.
By the way, the SJT Lectures are just named as TFT Lectures this year, and were delivered in the week right between TFT's departure and funeral service. What a coincidence and what an appropriate way to commemorate the theological giant.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
同窗的喜悅 :: joy of my cohort
My media and theology cohort Amy just got an interview at a top class Christian college in the USA. Exciting indeed!
哇! 好開心! 當場連番擁抱道賀。
正! 棒! 酷!
都說乳牛失業囉 :: cows becoming jobless
The Church of England criticises the supermarket chains of taking advantage of the farmers with their negotiating power of massive retail network, squeezing the milk price to a low level at the expense of the farmers. I've said here 10 months ago that the cows in Britain are loosing their jobs — cattle farms are closing down because they cannot sustain with the cut-throat low price.
香港 《時代論壇》網上版引述 『國際合一新聞社』報導:
英國聖公會【飲者按:此處大概應該是指英格蘭聖公會(Church of England / Anglican Church)】投資小組的報告批評大型連銷(sic)超市以其強大購買力壓搾農民,影響農民生計。
英國聖公會轄下的投資顧問小組,O三年開始就超市壟斷銷售渠道導致農民被壓價的問題展開研究,結果發現超市特價發售牛奶的代價都由牛場承擔。聖公會艾克斯特教區主教朗格利殊(Bishop Michael Langrish)批評:「大型食物零售商的商業慣例,對農民群體造成明顯壓力;我認為他們使用了不公平手段,但消費者卻不察覺。」
(underlining added)
閒話:上述報導,三天前在 《時代論壇》刊出,到此刻為止,只有125人次看過,比同期其他消息讀者少了一大截;另一篇關於鄭秀文接受洗禮的消息,四天內有兩千多人次看過。你看香港基督徒關心甚麼問題?冇咁好氣。
Sunday, 9 December 2007
告別 :: farewell,T.F. Torrance
On chilly Saturday morning, four ethnic Chinese doctoral students from our Divinity School attended the service of 'Celebration and Thanksgiving' for the life of TF Torrance. I was particularly struck by two of the hymns — O Come All Ye Faithful and Thine be the Glory. While they are usually attached to Christmas and Easter respectively, singing them in such an occasion becomes especially powerful.
風雨蕭蕭寒煞人的星期六清早,四個讀神學的華裔博士生,四十公里迢迢到東面小鎮Whitekirk,參加托倫斯教授那稱為 『頌讚生命感恩崇拜』 (Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving)的安息禮拜。
他兒子 (即現任美國普林斯頓神學院Ian Torrance院長) 分享講道的時候說,父親2003年中風之後,身體大不如前,父子兩人就很坦誠直接地討論後事的安排。
父親說,我不要甚麼贊詞 (eulogy),你就宣揚基督的復活吧。
一是從來只在聖誕節唱的 O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant; O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem ... (齊來宗主聖徒,快樂又歡欣,齊來,一齊來大家上百利恆 ... )。
二是每年復活節才唱的 Thine be the Glory,risen, conquering Son ... (榮耀屬上主,救主已復生 ... )。
在節日唱,它們成了耳熟能詳的例牌 「應節」歌。
- Ben:Funeral Service of Torrance: 托倫斯安息禮拜
- Obituary by George Hunsinger (Princeton Seminary)
- Obituary by David Fergusson (Edinburgh University)
- TF Torrance:a Remembrance from Asia (guest post by Titus Chung)
- Thomas F. Torrance:the passing of a theological giant
Thursday, 6 December 2007
遲來的生日快樂 :: a belated happy birthday
I didn't know Knut was born on 5 December!
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
獨創番薯咖哩 :: my unique sweet potato curry
This evening I treated myself with my own innovative 'sweet potato curry'. I've done this a few times now and am quite proud of it. In particular, the curry is made from scratch with raw materials instead of using jarred curry sauce from supermarkets (the Pakistani boss of the corner shop downstairs taught me to do it), while the use of sweet potato is my own crazy accidental invention.
今夜,我為自己再度煮了一鍋全球首創的 『出奇不意番薯咖哩』,正到爆!
隨後,我依照老闆的秘方實踐,然後再按自己的口味和烹調習慣調節,但是絕不改動最核心的基本原料 —— 洋蔥和番茄。
用番薯,則是幾個月前心血來潮的accidental invention,取其營養豐富味道正斗易煮易存。
經反覆實踐後,成熟期的全球獨家貢獻 『出奇不意番薯咖哩』,材料及做法如下:
注意,核心材料的標準份量是:每人一個洋蔥一個大番茄。我今次發神經用了前所未買過那麼大的洋蔥,和從未買過的超大beef tomato (見過香港有人叫 「牛茄」),非常和味。
- 先把蒜頭壓碎,把大洋蔥切碎 —— 為減少賺人熱淚場面,請先順紋切開,再橫切小粒。
- 蒜頭和洋蔥放煲內,開猛火稍炒,然後放油,中火繼續炒至熟。(應該還要放薑蓉,但家裡沒薑,又懶買。)
- 加水,水份剛蓋過洋蔥;大火煮滾,不停搞動;水滾後可收至中火。
- 把已切碎的大番茄加進煲內,一起搞。如水份已經揮發得差不多,變得太濃,可稍加水。
- 放鹽,紅辣椒粉 (份量隨閣下口味),姜黃粉 (turmeric powder) (給予獨特香味和質感),繼續搞動一會,然後收小火,蓋上,讓它慢火自煮五分鐘左右。此時洋蔥和番茄大概已接近糊狀。
- 如喜歡多點甜味,可加少許黃糖。(切勿放白糖,對自己對地球都冇益。)
- 時間關係,番薯已經切成閣下喜歡的形狀了,放進煲內,開中火煮滾,間中搞動一下。
- 如果喜歡的話,還可以再加其他配料,譬如我就加了一點西蘭花,慢火再煮五分鐘。
- 成了。如果喜歡,最後還可以放些閣下偏愛的香草。
如此一鍋,可淋在白飯上,可伴印度包 (naan),實掂! 今晚這煲,就正到我食過龍(過飽)了。
Monday, 3 December 2007
T.F. Torrance: a Remembrance from Asia
A guest post by Titus Chung (PhD candidate, Edinburgh University, who is completing his doctorate in Torrance)
Lauded by some ‘as the most significant British academic theologian of the twentieth century’, Professor Emeritus Thomas F. Torrance died peacefully on 2 December in Edinburgh. As one of the most distinguished academic staff of the New College of the last century, Torrance’s scholarly contributions to the English-speaking theological arena had arguably been unequalled. Not only in the 27 years as Professor of Christian Dogmatics Torrance had authored, edited or translated more than 360 pieces of work ranging vastly from patristic to modern theology and from theology to science, including the impressive translation of Barth’s Church Dogmatics and Calvin’s New Testament Commentaries, he had added 250 more after his retirement. His diverse works have aroused significant responses and are influential not only in the United Kingdom but more so in the United States and areas in Southeast Asia. As a result, studies on them are highly diversified in focuses. Besides academic writing, another major contribution of Torrance is, with J. K. S. Reid, the founding of the Scottish Journal of Theology in 1948.
As an established theologian Torrance at times had been called a Barthian. Although unquestionably an outstanding student of Barth and someone who self-professed to build upon the theological foundation his teacher had laid, Torrance was not the ordinary ‘Barthian’ of regurgitation. In fact, as a mature theologian some would regard him to have gone beyond Barth, especially in the area of correlating science and theology, and engendering a closer inter-disciplinary dialogue and interaction between the two disciplines; particularly in rejecting the old adversary model, Torrance had opened up the horizon for one to view science and theology as complementary, mutually fortifying and clarifying. The affirmation of Torrance’s contributions was manifestly evidenced when he was awarded the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion at the Guild Hall, London, in 1978.
As one of the Scotland’s great sons, Torrance, however, was born in Chengdu, China, to a missionary family in 30 August 1913. Having left China for Scotland to pursue his education as a teenager, China, or, to be precise, the churches in China that he grew up with, had in fact never left Torrance throughout his life. His unswerving passion for the Chinese missionary work took concrete expression and articulation in his determined return to Chengdu and Wenchuan in 1984 and 1994. These episodic events in the years of retirement and the lifetime’s commitment to the Church of Scotland unveiled in Torrance not only a scholar of rare distinction but also a churchman of unusual devotion. For these many would always remember him, not only those of the English-speaking world, but those among the Chinese as well.
托倫斯自稱畢生都在其老師巴特的基礎上繼續搭建,但是有論者認為,成熟期的托倫斯,成就已經超越其師,尤其在神學與科學的科際對話上,建立了兩者互相補充、強化、釐清的新模式,令他在1978年獲頒 『譚普頓獎』榮譽。
【客座撰文:章劍文 (愛丁堡大學博士候選人,專研托倫斯神學)】 【中文撮要:飲者】
- previously 前文:Thomas F. Torrance: the passing of a theological giant
- flashforward 延續:farewell, T.F. Torrance
Sunday, 2 December 2007
Thomas F. Torrance: the passing of a theological giant
born 30 August 1913 (Chengdu, China)
died 2 December 2007 (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Professor Emeritus
Professor of Christian Dogmatics (1952-1979)
University of Edinburgh
one of the most important and influential theologians
in the 20th century
【source: internal email to the New College community from
Prof. Larry Hurtado, Head of Divinity School, Edinburgh University】
Larry Hurtado教授透過內部電郵向全體員生宣佈。】
- 延伸(2):farewell, T.F. Torrance
長江七號宣傳片 :: CJ7 trailer
I like the last line of the VO. (You need some historical knowledge of film publicity to get the parody.)
Saturday, 1 December 2007
瘋狂加價 :: crazy inflation
Following my previous observation about the stealthy inflation of many food items, today I find that the kind of wholemeal bread I usually consume has its price increased again. In the past 6 weeks, its price tag has changed for several times and has enjoyed an almost 40% increase. Can anyone tell me why?
我常買的那種麥包,Rowan Hills Bakery Premium Farmhouse Wholemeal Loaf (800g),過去六星期在LIDL的售價走勢如下:
- 12月1日 — 89p
- 10月31日 — 78p
- 10月20日 — 65p
短短六個星期之內,價格上升了36.923077% !!
- 相關前文:百物騰雞