In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Thursday 13 December 2007

都說乳牛失業囉 :: cows becoming jobless

The Church of England criticises the supermarket chains of taking advantage of the farmers with their negotiating power of massive retail network, squeezing the milk price to a low level at the expense of the farmers.  I've said here 10 months ago that the cows in Britain are loosing their jobs — cattle farms are closing down because they cannot sustain with the cut-throat low price. 


香港 《時代論壇》網上版引述 『國際合一新聞社』報導:

英國聖公會【飲者按:此處大概應該是指英格蘭聖公會(Church of England / Anglican Church)】投資小組的報告批評大型連銷(sic)超市以其強大購買力壓搾農民,影響農民生計。

英國聖公會轄下的投資顧問小組,O三年開始就超市壟斷銷售渠道導致農民被壓價的問題展開研究,結果發現超市特價發售牛奶的代價都由牛場承擔。聖公會艾克斯特教區主教朗格利殊(Bishop Michael Langrish)批評:「大型食物零售商的商業慣例,對農民群體造成明顯壓力;我認為他們使用了不公平手段,但消費者卻不察覺。」

(underlining added)


閒話上述報導,三天前在 《時代論壇》刊出,到此刻為止,只有125人次看過,比同期其他消息讀者少了一大截;另一篇關於鄭秀文接受洗禮的消息,四天內有兩千多人次看過。你看香港基督徒關心甚麼問題?冇咁好氣。

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