In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Saturday 29 December 2007

廣告 :: advertisement

The Head of our Divinity School, Prof. Larry Hurtado, is the presenter of an 8-part video series Devotion to Jesus: the Divinity of Christ in Earliest Christianity.  The first episode (in Flash) can be watched HERE.  Even if you are not interested in the topic (which in fact points to the very core of Christian theology), and despite the para-professional technical production standard, you can still enjoy some shots of our school and its surrounding, and see how Hurtado promotes it.


咱院長Larry Hurtado粉墨登場,替美國Wesley Ministry Network製作的影片Devotion to Jesus:the Divinity of Christ in Earliest Christianity擔任主持,探討耶穌何時、何以、如何被最早的基督徒認定為神,涉及的問題,直指基督教神學的核心,十分過癮。



就算你對那個題目完全沒有興趣,也值得看看Hurtado一開場就替學院賣的廣告,欣賞敝神學院及鄰近一帶的風貌,還有一位香港同學 (不是我呀) 的側面背影硬照,大可以稍為撫慰一下各位非理性地仰慕愛丁堡的心靈。

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