In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Friday 18 April 2008

鄰國極品 :: eating cross culturally


I had 2 consecutive suppers of fish and chips earlier this week.  Such a 'dish' is quite contrary to the average Chinese (or at least Cantonese) taste, but I actually love it.  It is something I wouldn't eat when outside of the UK, though.


本週初連續吃了兩天鄰邦英格蘭的首本名菜 —— 炸魚薯條。


跟著那天更加失驚無神,離開學院之後,途中經過那被飲者評定為全城最佳街坊意大利餐廳的Vittoria旁邊的外賣店Eatalia's買回家吃,每份£5.5。這家吃過三四次了,我的評價是:不錯。魚和炸漿的質素都比四鎊八那家稍高。(頭一遭吃Eatalia's,還是去年卡卡西+烏鴉伉儷離開愛丁堡之前到我的 『無聊齋』踩場時買來的。)

傳說中還有一家全城最佳的炸魚薯條店,在舊城Royal Mile,每份七鎊多,我就無緣也捨不得領教了。

根據粗口廚神Gordon Ramsey教落,炸魚薯條第一講求魚的質素,要用新鮮haddock,即儘量就地取材而非從九千里外運來;第二講求炸漿的成份。但是,他們好像沒有想過把魚稍微醃一醃,那大概會令人吃得更為過癮。這 「不醃」不知是否英格蘭烹調的特色。


如果在香港,肯定怕熱氣,只不過在蘇格蘭根本不會有 「熱氣」這回事。

對於吃甚麼都講求新鮮嫩滑的一般華人 (也許只是香港/廣東人) 來說,更會嫌它那片魚 「諧烚烚冇厘味道」。

至於無數永遠以自己習慣/口味為判斷世界唯一準則、從無興趣放開胸懷真正接觸異文化的香港人,炸魚薯條只是 「鬼佬唔識食」的具體表現而已。


豈不知,對於長年節衣縮食勤工儉學百年孤寂不足為外人道的遊子,偶然簡單一份炸魚薯條,其實比 「黯然消魂叉燒飯」更叫人感動。


Unknown said...

Rather expensive by HK standard. Personally I prefer Fish with Corn Sauce, which is more HK style. Don,t u think?

Yam 飲者 said...

ai, sister, look open D la, everything is expensive by HK standard -- not rather, but very.
I used to like fish with corn sauce a lot when I was a kid, but the quality varies -- the fish are often too 'floury' :( Anyway, let's order that dish next time, hope for the best ;)

Benjamin Wu said...

大佬,那天你在「西貢西貢」作東,我們點的雙拼飯也很令人感動啊... 在那之前,很久沒吃到叉燒和燒鴨了。

Yam 飲者 said...


Anonymous said...

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Benjamin Wu said...


Yam 飲者 said...

Celular: Thanks, and no thanks. And please do no litter my 'interesting' blog with commercial adverts. I am against the spirit of capitalism. Although you have put it very nicely, a spam is a spam is a spam.

幫主:我沒有重吃啊。或許我應該說,我是 「十六年 『不吃』叉燒燒鴨了」,而不是 「十六年 『沒吃過』了」,而且沒有打算重吃。