In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Tuesday 22 April 2008

名氣逼人? :: who's afraid of Oxford?

Oxford finds it hard to attract people from Hong Kong and China to enrol in their short courses.  A certain department head there claims that it is because people are put off by the big name of Oxford and dare not apply.  Just look at the price and you'll know she is kidding.  Who would pay £980 per week for a 'course' that offers little substance?


牛津大學短期課程乏人問津,專程到香港跑龍套的語言及文化研究系總監Katie Gray認為是名氣負累:「不止是大陸和香港,其他歐美以外的人,都被牛津大學四個字嚇怕。」(4月22日《明報》)





很明顯,嚇怕人的,並非 「牛津大學」四個字,而是 「980」、「1710」這些數目字。

如此 「課程」,既無學歷要求,對象大包圍,有料到極都有限。塞幾皮野入佢袋,想死!

正如十多年前Bill Clinton用的競選口號說:It's the economy, stupid! 

我也想說,It's the pricing, stupid!

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