In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Friday, 30 November 2007

好啦今晚早點睡囉 :: alright I'll go to bed earlier

The WHO says working through the night is carcinogenic.  (The research is to be published in Lancet Oncology in December.)


11月30日率先引述 《明報》12月1日頭版頭條:


『 ... 由於夜間工作時需要開著燈,這些人造光線會影響人體分泌,干擾身體製造抑制癌細胞的荷爾蒙「褪黑素」(melatonin),以致患癌風險增加;而「褪黑素」主要在晚間才會自行釋放。... 』





全球書籍共多少?how many books out there?

The Universal Digital Library (a joint project involving academic libraries in Egypt, India, China, and the USA) aims at digitising ALL books that have ever been published in the world throughout history.  By now they have accomplished 1.5% of the work by digitising 1.5 million books, meaning that there are about 100 million titles out there.  Google Book Search is of course fast and efficient if you have specific books in mind, but it is predominantly in English.  The vision and scale of UDL is colossal.



如果根據Universal Digital Library的數字計算,應該是一億種。(當然是指100,000,000 book titles而非copies of books啦。)

Universal Digital Library是個跨國合作計畫,由埃及阿歷山大圖書館 (Bibliotheca Alexandrina),印度科學院 (Indian Institute of Science),中國浙江大學,和美國Carnegie Mellon University合作,由2002年開始,逐步把全世界古往今來曾經出版過的所有書籍,全部電子掃描,儲存成數碼(數字)檔案,讓世界上任何人閱讀。


如果你心目中有固定的書要找來看,那麼目前透過Google Book Search肯定比這個UDL更容易更快找到你要的,可是它的長遠力量非常厲害。Google Book Search是一面倒的以英文書和英語國家的圖書館藏書為主 (雖然也有歐洲日本的圖書館參與),UDL卻是跨文化跨語言的。

昨天便碰上1920年代中國出版的 《當代名人書信集》,讀了幾頁,有論中國少年月刊的,有胡適寫給陳獨秀的信,可窺當時歷史國情,十分有趣。

Thursday, 29 November 2007

上學歌 :: what a sunny day

Today I enjoyed a total big blue sky on my way to school, after many murky cloudy rainy days.  I found myself humming a Cantonese nursery rhyme which I learnt from kindergarten in Hong Kong. Untranslatable.


好像很多天沒有今天的大藍天了。出門之後一直哼著 《幼稚園上學歌》,改了最後兩句,成 《神學院上學歌》。(歌詞必須用粵語讀出)















(原詞為:快來吃早餐 [或:大家吃早餐],一同返到幼稚園 [有些幼稚園在此加進自己校名,成為:返到XX幼稚園]。)


Wednesday, 28 November 2007

theology and cinematic culture: contextuality, intertextuality, interdependency

That films may be addressing questions that churches are no longer meaningfully asking is of course an important issue, but it tends to overlook  the very real and vital sense in which theology is an intensely contextual discipline that has always ... depended upon an analysis of the close and inescapable interplay between theology and culture.  ...

... Not only is it impossible ... to do theology without constantly finding an intersection with popular culture. ... But [sic] we cannot even watch a Tim Burton film without encountering a critique of Bultmannn's program of demythologization, which is no less insightful than what Karl Jasper and John Macquarrie were espousing half a century ago.

[my italics]

Christopher Deacy, 'From Bultmann to Burton, Demytholigizing the Big Fish', in Robert K. Johnston (ed.) Reframing Theology and Film (Baker Academic, 2007), 238-258; quotation from p. 254.

上帝與表哥對話 :: God's conversation with him

An imaginary conversation between God and my just-departed friend came up to my mind. Perhaps God really thinks he deserves a good long rest after 30 exhaustive years in front line youth ministry. 




  • 重要聲明:以下片段,純屬虛構,如有雷同,實屬唔知咩野。
  • 改編自《無間道》第5場 (麥兆輝、莊文強編劇,2002)

【按:表哥跟上帝如此老友,密計頻頻,我只能略為寫出其中一鱗半爪 ... 】




上帝:收嗲啦你,呢句野聽左九千幾次啦 ... 返到中國你咪又掛住服務青少年?你估你會休息咩!

策仔:你對我態度好D得唔得呀?不如我索性坐低唔行,搞單 「人為逆旅」出黎,等班友仔自己蕩失晒路丫拿!





上帝:fair trade coffee黎架,我係飲者個便攞架。




Tuesday, 27 November 2007

再寫表哥 :: more ...

More about my just-departed former colleague.  Though we had not been in touch for the last few years, and seldom had the chance to talk over the few years before that, my heart sank quite heavily with the news of his passing. After all, we had known each other for 27 years.








昨午回學院的路特別長。快到的時候,我那denial的心理防衛終於出來了 ... 表哥真的走了嗎?是真的麼?


Regardless of 各種各樣的距離,畢竟相識超過廿七年了。



Sunday, 25 November 2007

你們的策叔,我們的表哥 :: beloved and respected

A former colleague of mine suddenly passed away midnight last night.  All who know him are shocked.  By virtue of his lifestyle and faith, he shall be remembered as a paradigm of God's servant and a model for all Christians — peaceful, joyful, loving, simple, in every sense.  His life is itself a profound and totally consistent theological statement. 



整天腦海不斷浮現一句聖經: 「... 服事了他那一代的人,就睡了。」我怎也記不起出處,但就覺得,這真是他的寫照。

【補充:是 『大衛按神的旨意服事了他那一世的人,就睡了 ... 』,使徒行傳13:36a(和合本) —— 鳴謝提示我但不願透露身份的人】











因是之故,他是我非常重要的神學導師 —— 雖然我知道表哥對於鑽探深奧的神學理論頗不以為然 (對我選擇讀神學博士或許也不大以為然),但他的整個生命,本身就是一套完全表裡一致的神學宣告。(His life is itself a totally consistent theological statement。)


我曾經有最少十五年完全不碰咖啡,就是因為他用短短兩句話向我道破了跨國剝削的癥結。直到近年,比較容易接觸到fairtrade coffee,我才偶爾稍為喝一點。




今午,在新約聖經讀到一句形容亞伯 (Abel) 的話,覺得同樣可以用來形容我們的表哥:


百物騰雞 :: inflation

According to my personal observation, many food items have had their price tags changed recently in a rate that is far beyond the UK average inflation of 4.2% (October figure from IDS).  Prices of some of my usual buys have increased by more than 10%, which is absurd, especially in the context of the strong British Pound.




根據紀錄,上次剛好是兩週前 (純粹買麵包或者到興成買麵不算),再之前是再一個星期前連續去了兩趟,趁著LIDL蔬菜大減價儲糧。

昨午重臨LIDL,發現好些東西貴了很多 —— 不是跟瘋狂減價的時候比較,而是相對於過去的正常價錢,而且我是指那些價錢穩定不會減價的staple food。


近月常常放在學校以備充飢的全城第二便宜但最好吃的fruit loaf,兩週前從45p加到51p。


Scotmid Coop的多種麵包、雞蛋,幾個星期前也發現加價很厲害,而且我去的分店取消了到期減價區。(這個打擊比較大。)



我知道,我講的那些其實都不算是很貴的價錢(那雞蛋除外)。可是根據Income Data Services (IDS) 的數字,不列顛十月份的平均通漲是4.2% (零售貨品價格指數,跟一年前比較),九月份是3.9%。以上我舉的例子,卻全部加價超過10%,想點?



Friday, 23 November 2007

面臨遞解,快將處決 :: he could be executed very soon

Yoo Sang-Joon has recently been arrested in China.  He is a native of North Korea and presently a South Korean citizen who has helped many desperate fellow North Koreans to fled the famine-stricken country over the last few years.  He is scheduled to appear in a court in Inner Mongolia, China, on 26 November (next Monday) at 9am.  It is very likely that he will be handed to North Korea, where he will likely be executed.  My prayer (and I believe it is also yours) is that he would be deported to South Korea instead of the North.  If you prefer, you may send an appeal to the Chinese Embassy at where you are, and/or the Chinese Minister of Justice, Ms. Wu Aiying, and/or Prime Minister Mr. Wen Jiabao. (contact info & suggested letter content HERE - roll to the bottom of the page) [HT: Ming Yee]  

Also: Report on Times Online (UK); Urgent Appeal from China Aid 


現在從事人權工作的多年同袍傳來的信息,讓我不能釋懷 ...

Yoo Sang-Joon,南韓公民,原籍北韓。







如果你相信或者渴望上主在這等事情的直接介入,請為Yoo Sang-Joon和其他已經逃到、正在逃到、將要逃到中國的北韓人的命運禱告。


『主啊,我們甚麼時候見你餓了,給你吃,渴了,給你喝?甚麼時候見你作客 旅,留你住,或是你赤身露體,給你穿?又甚麼時候見你病了,或是在監裡,來看你呢?』 (馬太福音25:37-39)

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

華人詮釋學的聯想 :: about Chinese hermeneutics

According to T&T Clark blog, Reading Christian Scriptures in China (ed. Chloe Starr) is to be published next April.  It should be one good step to put the emerging Chinese hermeneutics into the wider academic map among non Chinese speaking scholars.  


T&T Clark Blog透露明年四月將會出版Reading Christian Scriptures in China (ed. Chloe Starr)。

伯明罕大學聖經詮釋教授R.S. Sugirtarah給此書寫的推薦說,書中談及的,是英語世界的聖經學者少有接觸的,為他們打開了一道新的窗口;既說中國是廿一世紀一股冒升的勢力,這本書大概可以把華人的釋經也放上整個重要的議題裡。



在西方推動研究非西方基督教的始祖Andrew Walls榮譽教授曾說,非洲基督教已經儼然是基督宗教的第四個大系統 —— 它的神學體系、信仰表達、禮儀傳統、特別跟本土歷史文化的互動,足以叫它站在跟羅馬天主教、新教、東正教同等的高度上。





補充:Reading Christian Scriptures in China (T&T Clark, forthcoming, 2008) 目錄及簡介【鳴謝:Chestnut Tree提供】 

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

侯孝賢博士、陳映真博士 :: Dr. Hou Hisao Hsian, etc.

One of my several alma maters recently conferred honorary doctorates to filmmaker Hou Hsiao Hsian and humnaistic writer Chen Ying Chen, both from Taiwan.  It's a good thing.






換作成龍博士 (是同一母校多年前的傑作),或者董建華博士 (我另一家母校今年的搞作),就真是 ... 叫不出口啊!


locavore? localtarian?

locavore (also: localvore)

【Oxford University Press (USA): word of the year 2007

  • meaning: humans who only eat food grown or produced locally
  • as in: omnivore (living organisms that eat anything); carnivore (living organisms that eat meat as main diet)
  • origin: a movement which advocates that residents in a certain region should choose to eat local food produced within the proximity (within 100 miles radius, according to those who allegedly coined the word) - for reasons mainly ecological but personal health and economic justice issues are also involved.
  • alternatively: proxivore
  • why not: localarian? localtarian? proxitarian? (as in: vegetarian)

After all, aren't all animals (or all living things, for that matter) 'locavores'? 

Only human beings today would have beef from New Zealand, Tiger Prawn from Thailand, Lobster from North Atlantic, Salmon from Scandinavia, Rice from Australia, exotic fruits from South America ... all in one meal, on a table somewhere in China. 

While by and large I am supportive of the movement, 'locavore' is in fact a poorly coined word. (The 9th chapter of my proposed 'cooking theology' is 'eat locally, think globally'.)

Personally I think __-arian (such as localtarian) is a better word that is more compatible with the concept, because it denotes a conscious choice, whereas the 'vore' in locavore or proxivore often points toward an instinctive nature. 

Note the difference between a vegetarian and a herbivore. 

extended reading:

related: cooking theology

Monday, 19 November 2007

找找看之錯在哪裡之續集未結局之還需繫鈴人 :: what went wrong - a sequel

Previously on What Went Wrong: ' ... I am absolutely sure that this can only be an 'October-fool' story.'

While an official statement from the original source apparently confirmed that I was right, ironically I am not so absolutely sure now ...



『我敢肯定,報導所講的不會是事實。即是說,《明報》流料。..... 那個機構上下各人 ..... 肯定集體彈起。..... 但是,或許已經引起無數純良的基督徒無限遐想竊竊私語了。』




Sunday, 11 November 2007

樓下關水喉 :: all taps on

No water supply in my neighbourhood on Sunday morning due to the Edinburgh tram construction.  That means no shower when I got up.  It came back around 2pm, as promised, but only cold water was running normally.  Perhaps everybody was turning on their hot water at the same time, I had to wait for an extra hour to get a normal showerable hot water supply.


家事緣故,睡眠分成了幾段,結果星期日起得很遲,然後發現水力極度緩慢,才想起幾天前派來的通告:由於電車建設工程,11月11日早上八點到下午兩點停水。死火了! 我是起床後要洗澡的嘛!

那刻暗自慶幸起得遲,沒等多久已經兩點了,但是 ... 水呢?


九分無奈,東張西望,會否是工程人員重開水管開得不好呢?那會不會以後永遠是這樣呢?到哪裡求救呢?......?...... ?



想不到接近半個世紀以前,香港旱災制水那種大叫 「樓下關水喉」的感受【註】,今天竟然在地球的另一面體驗到。想起也莞爾。



  1. 年輕人或者對香港過去感到陌生的朋友,不知道我說甚麼的話,可以看看 《功夫》(周星馳導演,2004)裡面描述的豬籠城寨生活面貌,算是個比較accessible的dramatised representation。
  2. 我知道 「樓下關水喉」那個 「關」應該不是 「關」,而是 「門內有一劃」,粵音 「saan」,但那是我用漢語拼音輸入打不到的。看開點啦。

from the Blackwell Theology and Religion Newsletter

This issue of Blackwell Theology and Religion Newsletter (Issue 2, November 2007) came through email just before the weekend.  See it HERE

The goodies:

They offer free access to 16 most read journal articles from the past 12 months. You can read HTML online or download the PDF. (Good until 30 November.)

Some of the articles which would interest theology people of different tastes include:

Dreyton Benner (2007) 'Augustine and Karl Rahner on the Relationship between the Immanent Trinity and the Economic Trinity', IJST 9 (1) 24–38. [HTML]

Kelton Cobb (2006) 'The Mohammad Cartoons', Conversations in Religion & Theology 4 (1) 1–8. [PDF]

John Milbank (2006) 'Scholasticism, Modernism, and Modernity',  Modern Theology 22 (4) 651–671. [HTML]

Jeffrey Stout (2007) 'The Spirit of Democracy and the Rhetoric of Excess', JRE 35 (1) 3-21. [HTML]

Check it out. Or better still, subscribe to the Newsletter yourself - and subscribe to their journal alert and new books alert. 

Oh, by the way, articles on Blackwell are all Zotero compatible.

Friday, 9 November 2007

God and Globalization, Volume 4



【click cover image and link to Search Inside】

The long awaited ultimate volume in the God and Globalization series is fresh out of the press! 

While the previous three volumes (published in 2000-2001) were multi-authored, this final one is solely written by the coordinating editor of the series, Max Stackhouse. 

Max was one of my most favourite professors during my Boston years, and was possibly the second most important teacher who made his mark on my theological outlook in those days and beyond.

The official synopsis of the book reads:

This final interpretive volume of the God and Globalization series argues for a view of Christian theology that, in critical dialogue with other world religions and philosophies, is able to engage the new world situation, play a critical role in reforming the 'powers' that are becoming more diverse and autonomous, and generate a social ethic for the 21st century.


期待已久的 God and Globalization 系列第四冊終於出版了,是Max Stackhouse的個人力作,以系列主編身份為這個課題來個結案陳詞。他在第一章開頭這樣說明寫作目的:

...the purpose of this volume is to offer an answer to this question: What do Christian theology and ethics have to offer to public life in our globalizing epoch —— an era in which the public spheres of life are much expanded and highly differentiated?  To pose this question, of course, is to raise the issue of the relationship of theology to the development of large scale social systems, an issue that few try to address and many find odd.  Yet, I believe, this is one of the most important and most neglected issues of our times.  I will not only argue that Christian theology has much to offer, I will propose that certain normative themes in it do directly pertain to the most important social ethical issues of our times —— the creation of an ethos, a moral infrastructure for a worldwide civil society that could lead to a highly diverse, cosmopolitan civilization —— if that is to happen, it must both be rooted in a valid theological stance and it must be able to engage with the empirical conditions it proposes to address.  (35)



Thursday, 8 November 2007

不惑的雙瞳神學 :: Samuel's double vision theology

The other evening in our study room (intimately called The Upper Room, a la John Wesley), we accidentally but intensively discussed a colleague's thesis orientation, over which he was stuck recently.  We did manage to help him sort out some of the fundamentals.  His ambitious thesis, which tries to bring a much overlooked Chinese classic text into conversation with selected Biblical texts,  is bound to be an important contribution to Chinese indigenous theology.  I am so privileged to have contributed my two small coins.


與Ben一道在我們的The Upper Room跟不惑同學議論他近期非常困惑的論文




  1. 起點:處境關懷 = 從橫跨三個不同社群的共同觀察,體會到華人基督徒的價值觀和行為其實深受中國《易經》傳統模造,教會的西方神學傳統,未能對應實況。
  2. 於是:需要 = 建構兼重聖經信仰與華人(易經)文化的 『雙瞳神學』 (double vision theology)
  3. 選擇方法(進路) = 進入兩個系統具代表性的傳統經典,梳理出一個互補的系統。
    • 【不惑請注意:當夜我們並未有認真討論這點 —— 究竟進入兩套經典之後期望得出甚麼來。是個共融的synthesis 嗎?不是,那又是甚麼?What I mean is:how you name that expected outcome is crucial. It will affect your process。你不能說得出一樣 『野』來。】
  4. 神學/理論脈絡 (theological / theoretical context) = 多年來的本色神學討論 (indigenous theology),特別是華人本色神學討論。
    • 另外旁及基督教與中國文化/儒家對話 (即所謂 『耶儒對話』)、宗教比較、跨文本詮釋、比較神學,甚或宗教神學、漢語神學等。
    • 【不惑請注意:我當時也搞亂了,事後回想,這些只能夠是你的旁枝,你的正題一定是本土/本色神學,不是耶儒對話,否則容易走歪路變成comparative study,那就不務正業了。】
  5. 原來:初步發現 = 本色神學或者耶儒對話,均沒有觸及 《易經》和《易傳》。但是在不惑本人的處境體驗裡,《易經》和《易傳》的世界觀,正是深深影響華人日常生活文化的,這是需要填補的空檔。
  6. 所以:進入論文主體 = 不惑現在出馬,來填補這個空檔了。



Tuesday, 6 November 2007

維多利亞的聖經 :: Gunning Lecture Series

This year's Gunning Lecture Series in Edinburgh started yesterday. Yale historian, eminent expert on the Victorian Age Frank Turner speaks on the overall theme of 'The Victorians and the Heritage of the Old Testament'.  His first session, entitled 'Homer, Virgil, and the Old Testament', dealt with how Victorian British related to classical Greek, Roman, and Hebrew cultures.  Fascinating talk, full of anecdotes, more interesting than I expected.


年一度的『根寧系列講座』昨日開鑼,一連六次,由專研維多利亞時代的耶魯大學歷史教授Frank Turner主講,總題圍繞 『維多利亞時代與舊約傳統』。




希伯來文化,就完全是小圈子興趣,除了準備做牧師的人之外,沒有人會學希伯來文。而且希伯來聖經對當時所有人來說,就是舊約聖經 —— 即是說,希伯來聖經唯一的價值就是指向新約(typological reading),而沒有自己的地位。




Sunday, 4 November 2007

銘謝的滋味 :: being acknowledged

My name is mentioned in the acknowledgement section of this book, together with a few of my doctoral cohorts, amongst a long list of noted scholars across various disciplines. No big deal, but bemused. Some people are good at making others happy.  (My goodness, but the book is so F expensive!)


偶然發現我和幾個同學的大名,竟然出現在這本書的銘謝頁裡,夾在長長一大堆頗為或者略為知名的學者中間 (起碼絕大部份我都知道是誰),哈哈,好得意。

