In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Sunday 9 September 2007

安身立命 :: securing and establishing

There is radical incompatibility between orthodox Chinese Confucian ideal of 'securing one's position (in life) and establishing one's destiny' and Judeo-Christian Biblical faith, which I would argue is essentially a nomadic faith and tends to wither in secured and established situation.  Yet this incompatibility seems to be overlooked by so many who work on bridging traditional Chinese culture and Christian faith.  It is the nomadic nature of the Biblical faith that enables it to engage with the liminal experience of people, and thus make a theology of liminality possible.



           偶然在一個網誌上看到這段被列為quote of the day的話:

『時代的紛亂,現實的處境,容易捲走人的熱情與理想,唯有信仰才能叫人安身立命。』 (按:這裡肯定是指基督信仰)


『信仰的偏執,安身立命的迷思,容易捲走人的熱情與理想,唯有紛亂的時代,和現實的處境,才能叫人敏銳警醒。』 (For discussion's sake only,希望原作者或跟那個網誌有關的人不要介意。)

          問題在於 『安身立命』。

          源自猶太宗教的基督信仰(Judeo-Christian faith),從來沒有叫人安身立命。

          那只是所謂正統 『中國文化』(其實應該說是 『儒家漢文化』)的理想,也是非常 『人之常情』的渴望,可是基督信仰所講的,所要求的,從來就不是那種 『常情』。

          這也許是基督信仰和漢文化之間的根本分歧,是那跨不過的鴻溝,借用咱Ben同學喜愛的字眼,是incommensurability,用我的常用說法,是fundamental point of departure。很可惜,一些致力於契通基督宗教與漢文化的高人,都似乎沒有理會這個根本分歧,還把它當成是可以互補的,把基督信仰說成是讓人安身立命之所。



          到他們在巴勒斯坦安頓,有皇室有制度,定都耶路撒冷,他們就開始玩完了。That was the beginning of the end。


          早期的基督徒群體,是社會上的極少數極少數,受盡歧視迫害,在邊緣上掙扎求生,卻活力感染力爆炸力非凡。到被康士坦丁扮信耶穌收編成為 『國教』,納入正統,安了身立了命,玩完了。Game over。

          聖經所揭示的猶太-基督信仰,本質上是個浪蕩人間的nomadic faith。哪天我們自以為安身,自以為立命,哪天對上主的信靠就完了。

          正因為聖經信仰的浪蕩本質,它才能夠跟那些兩頭無岸、面面非人的 『閾中人』說話;否則,它只能夠是上了岸或者總會上岸的士大夫階層的社交玩意,又或者是那些自以為有知識的份子的學術遊戲;對於在荒漠裡叫天不應叫地不聞的閾中人,它連做人民鴉片的資格都沒有。


相關:閾中人 — 閾域神學草案前言


aMy said...

Unfortunately, this is how many understood the Gospel nowadays. "Believe in Jesus, you'll be saved and get your inner peace." It is just such a prevalent belief in the consumerist world... even religion has to be consumer-orientated... Christianity is no longer portrayed as a nomadic faith, think about it, what the church leaders would say, "Who would ever believe in Jesus if they knew they have to leave their home and don't know where they're going??"

sf said...

飲者, 看到這裡, 我才開始明白你閾中人是甚麼回事.

Anonymous said...

「對於在荒漠裡叫天不應叫地不聞的閾中人」﹐「 安身立命的基督徒」會認為他們是走著留開神的險路。

Anonymous said...

更正: 是「離開」﹐不是「留開」。

Yam 飲者 said...

Amy: Yes, you are right on. Don't put the blame on your church 'leaders' though, that is just what they (and we) have inherited from the last several hundred years; and it has very little to do with consumerism. (The latter is a problem in itself, but they are separate issues.) More fundamentally, I cannot be sure that I am correct in this respect, in the ultimate sense.



史提夫畸畸 said...



Yam 飲者 said...


sf said...

嘩, 飲者, 你咁陰我架?! 嗯.....其實呢位施主, 你又何需外求呢, 兩頭無岸, 身在閾中, 你這位博士生體會最深, 阿彌陀佛.

Yam 飲者 said...
