In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Wednesday 26 September 2007

弟兄可好? :: are you well, dear brother?

Dear brother MGV,

How have you been? We have lost touch with each other not long after you completed your study here.  I think the last time we could email was more than 2 years ago.  But I haven't stopped paying attention to things from and about your homeland -- especially what's happening over the past few weeks.  The situation in the last couple of days is worrying me and lots of people all over.  Don't really know what to say -- to you, to your people, and to the Divine.  I can only wish you well -- you personally, and all good people from where you are.  May justice roll like a river.

If you can somehow get this message any time anywhere, do get back to me. 

Blessings, Yam


MGV是來自緬甸浸信會的年輕神學教師,跟我同期來了愛丁堡,一表人才,淳樸可親,和我甚為老友。他讀教義神學碩士,論文研究加爾文的不知甚麼 (我忘了),完成之後返回祖國繼續教學。仰光近日危城告急,甚念,只能遙祝他和他的同胞一切安好,願公義如江河滔滔。


Benjamin Wu said...


Unknown said...
