In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Friday 13 July 2007

儒家神學 :: Confucian Theology

An article with the intriguing title of 'Confucian Theology: Three Models' appears in the most recent issue of Religion Compass.  The abstract is here.  Links to the full article are at the end of this post.


最新一期Religion Compass (1.4, July 2007)有篇文章題為《儒家神學的三種模式》(Confucian Theology: Three Models),單看標題已經十分抓頭。官方提供中英文撮要如下:


If there are still disagreements about whether Confucianism is a religion, there seems to be a consensus that Confucianism does not have a theology. In this article, I attempt to show that there are at least three models of serious god-talks in the Confucian tradition: (i) heaven is discussed in the Confucian classics of Book of Documents, Books of Poetry, and Analects as something transcendent of the world, similar to Christian God in crucial aspects; (ii) heaven is discussed among contemporary Confucians, represented by Xiong Shili, Mou Zongsan, and Tu Weiming, as something ‘immanently transcendent’, the ultimate reality immanent in the world to transcend the world; and (iii) heaven is discussed by neo-Confucians, particularly the Cheng brothers of the Song dynasty, as the wonderful life-giving activity transcending the world within the world.


全文 html 在此,pdf (405KB) 在此。 

(註:Religion Compass是Blackwell辦的免費網上期刊。)


Catitude said...

我知我呢個o靚妹識d咩丫...但段中文摘要真係好r頭 ....

Yam 飲者 said...

哈哈,根本整篇文章的意念都非常令人抓頭,我孤陋寡聞,一見到『儒家神學』都成個彈起,不過那段摘要的「慰安婦式中文」也實在要命。就當是奇文共賞囉 :p