In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Saturday, 29 March 2008

指天途人見 :: slay the dragon

The 3rd one in a row. Yet another tributary parody of old Cantonese pop songs from Hong Kong 30 years ago. This one is, again, about my PhD journey. Of course, again, untranslatable. (Warning: Don't EVER try to use Google Translate on these — or on anything, I would actually say.)









難忘記D footnotes 每篇塞到埳,











呢舖難做 ... 呢舖難做。

Friday, 21 March 2008

受難節思考 :: being messy and particular

... the Judeo-Christian tradition is one that emphasises the scandal of particularity that stems from understanding God's actions in the messy arena of history and of particular people with all their strengths, faults, and idiosyncrasies. The particularity of situatedness does not, however, isolate religion from the rest of life. A fideistic [*] approach that attempts to segregate faith from other currents of life is, on this reading, a gnostic or docetic impossibility, contrary to the postmodern rejection of the modern 'unencumbered self '. (my italics)

Dan R. Stiver, 'Theological Method', in Kevin J. Vanhoozer (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology (Cambridge University Press, 2003), 180.

Theology is therefore ideally suited to handle life's messiness. Far from avoiding what life throws up, theology as a discipline is about handling a living tradition, fed by insights of a living body of people, in the service of understanding and living life to the full. (my italics)

Clive Marsh, Theology Goes to the Movies (Routledge, 2007), 163.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

復活節預表之鹹蛋翻生 :: resurrection of the salted egg

My Taiwanese colleague TY shared some of his newest products with us — his home-made salted eggs. I opened one for supper last night, only to find that it was totally unsalted and uncooked. How come this miracle of resurrection? I was sure somebody made a mistake somewhere. (Spoiler underneath the Chinese text.)




不開還可,一開就發現,鹹蛋未熟 (超人的做法是把鹹蛋煮熟才送出的),而且一點都不鹹,結果要跟菜一起炒熟它。然而心裡十分困惑,不知道是鹹蛋超人失手,還是運送過程發生 「人為錯誤」。【題外話:香港政府和傳媒常用的這句 「人為錯誤」其實十分離奇,有甚麼錯誤不是人為的呢?】

碰巧夜裡鹹蛋超人在MSN問我收到了鹹蛋沒有 ...






這件 「鹹蛋翻生」奇案,由於涉案人數眾多,偵查有點難度,但是也在十六小時之後給我不動聲息地迅速偵破了...



果真是 「人為錯誤」。


The next day, I found that one of my fresh eggs was missing, and the salted ones were still there, untouched.

Monday, 17 March 2008

陸少飲之決戰前後 :: countdown to showdown

Another tributary parody of another old Cantonese pop song from Hong Kong 32 years ago. This one is again about my mental state in these very final days before thesis submission. To avoid lost in translation, I better not do it.









望北海,寫thesis令人 「恨」,



我份人,唔咁笨 ... 唔咁笨 ... 唔咁笨 ...

Saturday, 15 March 2008

少理飛嘟 :: The Panic Candidate

A tributary parody to The Romantic Swordsman, an iconic Cantonese popular song from Hong Kong, to commemorate its 30th anniversary. Also called The Doctoral Candidate's Fear of the Viva (a la Wim Wenders). Ultimately untranslatable.


Ben同學日前無啦啦說我唱《小李飛刀》的時候好豪邁 (還是豪氣?),刺激我連續兩天上學院的路上,不唱《上學歌》而改為邊走邊作此曲,成『上行之D』(不是詩)。


  • 小李飛刀》30週年紀念特別版
  • 又名:《博士生對論文口試的恐懼》— tribute to Wim Wenders










Friday, 14 March 2008

the horror, the horror ...

As one of us recently discovered when teaching a module on biblical hermeneutics to a class of divinity students training for the priesthood, work undertaken at the interface between the Bible and popular culture ... is often met with derision and disdain within theology. ...... the mere mention of Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton, 1990) or Mystic River (Clint Eastwood, 2003) led to at least one cry of 'blasphemy', and a general consensus among the students that the 'serious' business of theology was being dumbed down.

Christopher Deacy and Gaye Ortiz, Theology and Film: Challenging the Sacred/Secular Divide (Oxford: Blackwell, 2008), x.

So, you see how far out I am?

Gracious God, have mercy on us.

Monday, 10 March 2008

神探 :: Mad Detective


(dir. Johnnie To 杜琪峰 and Wai Ka Fai 韋家輝, Hong Kong, 2007)

『我睇到人心裡面隻鬼。佢有七隻。』(I can see the ghost inside people. He has 7.)

『如果人人都有隻鬼,你冇,就係你有問題。』(If everyone has a ghost inside, and you don't, then the problem is with you.)

Abnormality = ab-NORM-ality = not the same as the others, not following the crowd.

Treading the border between the natural and the supernatural, and how the two worlds inform / intercept / interrogate / infringe upon each other.

Brilliant creative idea, beautiful directorial execution.

But, alas, the storyline messes up the logic of its own created world. (Yes, I do hold to the notion that every story, no matter how crazily fictitious and imaginary and wild it is, is supposed to have an internal logic of its own.)

So, ultimately, this film is 'dog fart cannot get through' (狗屁不通).

Falls short. What a shame.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Sunday special: 2 theogags


From Ben Witherington:

Jesus vs Satan - the computing showdown 【終極對決】

Three Good Arguments that Jesus was a ... ? 【耶穌的真正身份】

(Don't ask me to explain what's so hilarious about them. If you don't find them funny, they are not funny. Period.)

(And don't throw stones at me!)

Saturday, 8 March 2008

調景嶺上* :: breathing on the cliff

Earlier this past week, I pretended to have completed revising 5 thesis chapters and gave myself some breathing time while hanging on the cliff. Went to 3 seminars of different subject areas at school. The most fascinating was of course the one by Michael Ward on his new book Planet Narnia. Even more fascinating is my newly created dish offered to the potluck supper at the Mitchell's — light pan fried tofu with vegetarian mince (picture below).






非也。話說敝學院大約一百五十名研究生,分屬五個學科組別 (神學與倫理、聖經研究、教會歷史、世界基督教、宗教研究),各自都有每週定期研討會。還未計其他每年一度或者每年數度或者數年一度的特別系列,譬如大約在秋季的Gunning Lectures和世界著名的春季Gifford Lectures等等等等。


星期二,我去了世界基督教那邊 (好像自從第一個學期去過幾次之後都沒再去了),有位編輯《世界基督教百科全書》的仁弟,從我的波士頓母校東來,講全球基督教人口分布和統計。

我不算非常有興趣不過頗感好奇,一聽無妨。對此等涉及大量無法求證的demographics and statistics,我愈來愈skeptical。還是阿飛講師夠玩野:我不擅長統計學,但請問為甚麼統計數字總是以零零零結尾的呢?直插此類統計和估計渾然天成而舖天蓋地人口數字的arbitrariness。

星期三,到宗教研究那組聽已畢業的SO學姊講她的博士研究 —— 加拿大印第安人的本土宗教,到底是實證(empirical)身份還是政治分類?


星期四,回到自己本行的神學與倫理科,Michael Ward談他的新書,分析CS Lewis的Chronicles of Narnia的世界觀,認為是建基於中古世界的七重天觀念,十分fascinating。

那夜,到老師府上pot luck supper,我就貢獻了這道技驚八座的新創作:

tofu vegmince2008.3.6





* 調景嶺:香港地區名,原名吊頸嶺,本篇因以為題。

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Hurray! Dr Titus Chung!

With his thesis on T.F. Torrance's epistemology, our beloved Rev. Titus Chung from Singapore has passed his viva at noon today. No corrections required (except typos). Orz.







prefix-less theology

In times past, it was easy for Western, white, male Caucasians to label other theologies with a prefix such as African American theology, Latin American theology, feminist theology, Asian theology, and so on, without recognising the white, masculine, Western flavour to their own theology. They were doing 'prefix-less' theology while everyone else was not! This is no longer possible. It is incumbent, then, upon theologians to be conscious of the tradition and perspective out of which they write ...

Dan R. Stiver, 'Theological Method', in Kevin J. Vanhoozer (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology (Cambridge University Press, 2003), 179.

(as I've said HERE)

Saturday, 1 March 2008

evangelicals and East Asian contextual theology

The history of evangelicalism suggests that the success of the movement rests on its willingness to correlate Scripture with the context in which it finds itself, rather than simply reaching backward into evangelical history to draw out past correlations, such as the way in which a text was applied by Calvin in his sixteenth-century Genevan context. Sixteenth-century Geneva bears little resemblance to today's Hong Kong or Singapore!

..... it was well known that Calvin was interested in --- and, to some extent, influenced by --- the language and concepts of the classical Roman philosophical and rhetorical tradition. China has an older philosophical and rhetorical tradition. Why should Asian Christians use the same ideas that Calvin borrowed when they have a distinguished heritage of their own from which to draw?

Alister E. McGrath, 'Evangelical Theological Method: The State of the Art', in John G. Stackhouse, Jr. (ed.) Evangelical Futures: A Conversation on Theological Method (Regent College / Baker / IVP, 2000), 36-37 (my italics).

I am a bit -- just a little bit -- surprised. Didn't quite expect a self-professed evangelical theologian and a professor of historical theology to say such things.

After all, I am happy that it is Alister McGrath who have said this. If they were my words, I could be stoned to death (figuratively, of course) for straying away from orthodoxy and betraying the Way, and setting a bad example for the kids (離經叛道,教壞細路).

So, thank you, Alister. When one day I face the heresy trial, I can have something to quote. And be mindful, all my ethnic Chinese Edinburgh colleagues!