In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Wednesday 24 October 2007

圖片的聯想 :: free association on a photo


 Beijing performer spits on the floor

'A performer in the Chinese capital Beijing spits on the floor while applying make-up, as the city authorities try up to stamp out bad manners ahead of the 2008 Olympics.'

【Photo & caption from: BBC News: day in pictures: 23 October 2007】【HT: Ben】

Would this be regarded by the Chinese government as an intentional attempt to blackwash China in the eve of the Beijing Olympics? An unfriendly act that 'seriously hurts the Chinese people'?  mmm .....



BBC、美聯社等西方反華勢力,在中國籌辦奧運會如火如荼之際,假借新聞自由的幌子,企圖捏造事實,抹黑中國,嚴重傷害中國人民感情! 中國近年的精神文明建設,特別是在申奧成功之後,大有成效,跟經濟發展並駕齊驅,這是全世界友好人民眾所週知的、鐵一般的事實,並不是一兩張這樣的所謂新聞圖片可以抹殺的。我國政府和人民對西方傳媒這種三番四次的不友好行為,表示極大的憤慨,並且籲請各有關國家的政府,對他們的媒體,進行適當和必要的制約。


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