耶魯愛丁堡點滴:那一段 … 被遺忘的時光 …
Exactly nine years ago on this day (1 July),
在文章裡,我嘗試把那個事工放回那個時代那個城市的歷史處境和神學脈絡裡,認為製作人員儘管並不完全自覺,但實質上那些製作都是以影音媒體盛載的、高度處境化的公共神學宣言,而且是當時香港基督教重新議論本身神學議題 (theological re-negotiation) 的一環。
Nonetheless, the media form that embodied their theological expressions was transient by its very nature. A feature-length multivision production, being a complex synchronisation of several thousand individual slides and a stereo soundtrack, was difficult to be maintained as a complete whole over time. This transitory character of the medium was, ironically, emblematic of the highly circumstantial nature of the theological stance articulated in the programmes, which was perhaps compatible with the ever-changing context that it attempted to engage. When the context changed, the theological message changed, and perhaps the theological stance might have changed, and the same medium was never used by the organisation again after that decade.