In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Saturday, 20 September 2008

媽媽八十八 :: mom at 88

Our whole family celebrated my mother's 88th birthday last night.  I was perhaps the most excited person on the spot, since I hadn't been able to take part in this celebration over the past few years when I was away from home.  I presented to her a priceless gift -- a small paragraph from my PhD thesis, framed.  (See below for content.)










While my mother may not fully understand what I study, I nonetheless owe my earliest exposure to film, media, and theology to her. My earliest memory of cinema-going was watching a foreign film with her, and I can still remember its translated Chinese title was 《霸海奪金鐘》; she bought our first television set at home, on which I watched numerous old Cantonese films; and when I asked how the world came into existence, 'created by God' was her answer even though she was not a practising believer of any religion at that time. I am thankful that, despite her gradually deteriorating physical health in recent years, she is able to witness the endpoint of my doctoral study.

To my beloved mother, Madam Leung Ching Chun, I therefore dedicate this thesis.

extracted from page vi in Yam Chi-Keung's Doctor of Philosophy thesis completed at

the School of Divinity, the University of Edinburgh, 2008



如是,謹將此論文敬獻給摯愛的母親 — 梁靜珍女士。



Sunday, 14 September 2008

風花雪 :: under the same full moon

Happy Mid-Autumn








出人意表與大快人心 :: surprised and glad

In the recent Legislative Council election in Hong Kong, I am surprised by and happy about 2 things.  (1) The detrimental blow to the Liberal Party -- a party which I think is ambiguous in everything and has no real stance, and thus deserve to lose.  (2) The rise of the radical democrats -- the government is just reaping the fruit of its own stupidity and political brutality.










關於激進民主派,我雖不完全認同他們在議會內走激進路線(也許我年紀真的大了),也沒有把票投給他們,但是我清楚知道,他們的支持者絕非限於爛命一條nothing to loose的基層,或者傳媒裡stereotyped了的搞屎棍,或者不知天高地厚的年輕人。





Friday, 12 September 2008

神奇配票論 :: organised voting

When the pan-democratic camp performed much better than many expected in this Hong Kong Legco election, they and some commentators said it was because the voters organised their votes so nicely.  Is that ever possible?  Can anyone really 'organise' a large number of votes to support a specific candidate?  Are we talking about the pro-democratic camp here?






我對這種神奇配票論感到非常抓頭。更準確來說,其實我完全無法理解甚麼叫『配票』—— 好像有人手上控制著一大批選票,可以讓他隨時隨意按需要動用來支持誰一樣,你話神唔神奇?


但是評論員啊評論員,學者啊學者,飯民啊飯民,請不要侮辱選民好嗎?多年來against all odds consistently支持民主派的,雖然未必很高學歷高收入更未必專業,但絕大部份都是讀多左幾毫子書,有意見有主見有態度有期望的,而且(根據中大政治行政系鬍鬚強計算)consistently佔了投票選民六成左右。




不過話說回來,這種令人費解的配票思維或者配票論,大概是那扭曲的比例代表制的產物。有畸形的制度、環境,自然造就畸形的思想、行為。這是我多年前讀我的心愛書Shantung Compound所學到的功課。


Thursday, 11 September 2008

小民的冷感 :: indifference of a nobody

The Legislative Council election in Hong Kong last Sunday marked the first time ever that I seriously thought of not voting -- for no special reason, simply because of the learned helplessness developed from the stifling political atmosphere.  No matter how we vote and who we vote for, it doesn't make a real difference.  This I believe is the crux of the low turn-out rate at the poll.






然而最核心的冇癮,是被面前這個政治死局吹脹,你投乜票都冇乜用。when it doesn't really make a difference, why bother?

這是過去多年來,尤其是 (尤!其!是!)回歸以來所累積的learned helplessness (學來的無力感)。

Learned helplessness的心理學實驗是這樣的:當一隻/一群白老鼠發現無論做甚麼,結果都一樣,無論怎樣閃來跳去,都避不開『被電擊』的命運時,他就會坐下來甚麼都不做,坐以待電,費事跳。





Monday, 8 September 2008

書事 :: book matters

It appears that somebody out there is taking the course which I mentioned earlier and calls for help about the amount of readings -- and the amount of money needed to buy those books.  I would suggest that the basic biblionomics in these situations is to make use of library resources as much as possible.  What's more, as far as I know, the quantity of readings in that course can hardly be considered 'surprisingly huge' (as somebody claims).





據他所說,那位教的人原來是位主教呢!嘩!(他說,『因著上司的介紹,今個學期上了一科前xxxx主教的神學課程。』See? WOW!)

不過那位朋友慨嘆,那科『Core Text books卻出奇地多』,恐怕買到窮,『戶口跌落得零元』,於是四出張羅借書。


有學者認為,按一般高級學位course descriptions的理解,那位前主教列出的core texts,應該是指整個課程的主要/基本參考,而不是用來當教科書(text books)那樣讀的,大可稍安。

一位曾經橫跨美蘇(格蘭)兩國數家學府、現從事研究和教學工作的神學人指出,如此數量的指定閱讀,在類似程度的碩士課之間,絕不能說是『出奇地多』,反而可算輕微地偏少;而且假如只有那些core texts,再沒有加上每周的指定或者推薦閱讀,那就是嚴重偏少了。咁點?請頂硬上好了。


Friday, 5 September 2008


Characteristics of good university teachers in relation to students:

(from Ken Bain, via Scot McKnight)

  1. They do not display power but investment in the learning of the students. Good teachers want their students to learn and not just to do well on an exam.
  2. The best teachers trust their students and their instinct, when things don’t go well, is to seek for a cause in their teaching instead of in the laziness of students.
  3. The best teachers related to students openly — they create an environment of openness. They bring themselves to the classroom and to the students.
  4. The best teachers create an interactive atmosphere.
  5. The best teachers connect themselves and their students to the awe of discovery and of the grandeur of life and are humble because they know they are not gods. They create a bond with their students in a mutual journey of learning. The opposite model is an ego game. Thus, they are fellow students.
  6. They exhibit an awareness that they and their students can do great things, make discoveries together and can accomplish something.

Am I, or will I be, or can I be one of them?

Monday, 1 September 2008

開學了 :: for whom the school bell tolls

The teaching term in Hong Kong is starting this week. 

This year, the Divinity School of Chung Chi College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is offering two special courses, which are very unique (if not absolutely unprecedented) in East and Southeast Asia.  Seems interesting.  Just not sure if the guy who teaches them is capable. 




RST 5224: Special Topic on Christianity and Society I:

Media, Popular Culture, and Christianity (媒體、普及文化與基督教)

(Semester 1, 2008-2009)

This course is a critical exploration of the intricate relationships between popular media culture and Christianity. While popular culture and the media have become the daily reality in many parts of the world over the decades, they have seldom been taken seriously in the theological arena, whereas the relationship between popular media and Christianity is often overlooked in academic studies until relatively recent time. We shall re-examine various manifestations of popular culture from Christian theological perspectives, and also probes into the subtle interrelatedness between media culture and Christianity as a an organised religion. This course engages with the wider academic context of the vigorously developing interdisciplinary study of media, religion, and culture (MRC), and attempts to focus particularly on the Chinese language popular media and Chinese Christianity in Hong Kong.


RST 5225: Special Topic on Christianity and Society II:

Cinema and Theology (電影與神學)

(Semester 2, 2008-2009)

This course considers the various religious and theological dimensions of contemporary cinema, and examines a range of approaches to such endeavours. Since the inception of motion picture in 1895, cinema and institutional religions (including Christianity) have always been interested in each other – numerous films have used religious themes and motifs as subject matters, while religious communities have been eager to harness the cinema by critiquing, censoring, or making use of films in their ministries. The study of film from serious academic theological perspectives, however, was scarce until the mid 1990s. In this course, we explore a number of approaches in which the theological study of film can take place. These include, for example, the study of explicit representation of religious materials, the 'uncovering' of implicit religious motifs, the use of film as resource for theological reflection and construction. Films to be viewed and discussed cover a broad range from foreign classics, Hollywood hits, to contemporary East Asian and Chinese language films.


The Instructor:

is an Honorary Research Associate at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, who specialises in the interdisciplinary study of cinematic media and theology. His academic study is supported by ample experience in the creative-production and management across different media. He did his PhD in popular cinema and contextual theology at the University of Edinburgh, after pursuing theological study in Boston and communication study in Hong Kong.