In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Tuesday 12 February 2008

神學博士路遙遙(伍) :: long road to theological doctorate (5)

脈絡/氣候 context/zeitgeist (C)

A third trend that is bound to have lasting impact on the study of theology is the so-called 'cultural turn' —— the emerging shift of theology's academic partner from western (or more specifically, continental European) philosophy to contemporary cultural analysis. This, of course, is closely related to the awareness that theology is essentially a contextual discipline.



第三個影響深遠的變動,是學術夥伴的轉移 (shift in academic partner) —— 從傳統的西方哲學轉移至以當下的文化分析為主要場景,有學者稱之為神學的cultural turn。

千多年來,西方神學的夥伴一直是傳統的歐陸哲學。我甚至不會說他們是雙生兒,而是連體嬰,表面上是兩個不同身份 (不是身分) 的個體,但其實難以分割。它們處理的問題、動用的資源,基本上都是同一套東西。

系統神學的整個 「系統」,其實不過是跟隨歐陸哲學的議題跳舞,聖經研究也多隨著哲學風潮的拍子而擺動。

廿世紀七八十年代,神學逐漸開始大量從各門社會科學吸收養分。到上世紀末年,愈來愈多神學工作者嘗試以文化分析為主要對話夥伴。(這裡說的文化分析,是指廣義的cultural analysis,不是狹義的cultural studies。)





Anonymous said...

Thanks that u're back. U study media and any comment on the porn pix issue in HK? Any different angle of analysis?

Yam 飲者 said...

I know too little about the issue/case to make any sensible comment.
After all, what is there to comment about? Just an array of collective hypocrisy and craze, a media stir-fry of a non-event.