In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Friday 9 May 2008

赤的疑惑 :: the puzzling red

Why did they (who??) encourage people in Hong Kong to dress in red during the Olympic torch relay as a sign of support? (You don't even see so much red colour during the relays in mainland China).  Why do they call it the 'sacred flame' in the Chinese language?  Is the 2008 Games hosted by Beijing (the city) or by China as a whole? Is it in line with the Olympic spirit (or any athletic spirit) to show off the country's capacity by such extensive footprint of the torch relay?


熊熊 『聖火』席捲香港,螢光幕裡,盡見山河一片紅,全城赤化一整天,我身體內那僅有的丁點兒政治歷史意識讓我渾身不自在。紅潮退卻,或許香港已經沒有甚麼人記得奧運火炬是甚麼回事,只是給我留下連串赤的疑惑。

  1. 赤化香港,真不知是誰的好主意。就算火炬到了中國內地傳遞,也不見有滿街穿紅衣的奇景,香港卻有人呼籲人人穿紅衣表示效忠,教我想起四十年前朵朵紅心向太陽的瘋狂歲月。唉救命。
  2. 奧運火炬明明是火炬,是Olympic torch / Olympic flame,又不知是誰人甚麼時候給它祝聖了,無啦啦變了 『聖火』。
  3. 歷屆現代奧運會都是以城市為單位主辦的 —— 漢城(首爾)奧運,雅典奧運,悉尼奧運 ... 等等等等,我孤陋寡聞,沒有聽過由國家層面來辦奧運的。今年呢,大家大喊中國加油中國加油,由官方到民間都認定是中國主辦的,只不過安排在北京舉行而已。高舉整體,壓抑個別,十分中國。
  4. 又是我孤陋寡聞,以前真的沒有看過/聽過奧運火炬會這樣走遍全球五大洲到處傳送,進到中國境內還要跑遍全國各城各鄉,又要攀上世界第一高峰。我看著,其實是不舒服的,不舒服的是背後那份耀武揚威的心態,要席捲全球展示實力。如果中國(人)這樣理解奧運精神或者任何體育精神,那就,唉冇眼睇。

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