In the business of theology it is hard not to be controversial - Jurgen Moltmann

Monday, 25 August 2008

The Dark Knight

It was last Saturday afternoon, the day after the storm, that this gentleman (lady?) paid me a visit.  It's the first time I've ever seen a bat in broad daylight.  But why was he / she there?





Saturday, 23 August 2008

關於種族的神學探索 :: a theological investigation on race

這是個『種族化』(racialised) 的世界 —— 以種族界定現象,把人分門別類,評定優劣;西方社會過去二三百年從這『種族化』中獲取優勢;基督教(及其神學)也在其中自我界定為屬於西方的文化傳統。


在這樣的背景之下,杜克大學神學院 (Duke Divinity School) 的 J. Kameron Carter 這本剛出版的新書,應該十分有趣。【HT: Halden


J. Kameron Carter, Race: A Theological Account (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 504pp.


In Race: A Theological Account , J. Kameron Carter meditates on the multiple legacies implicated in the production of a racialized world and that still mark how we function in it and think about ourselves. These are the legacies of colonialism and empire, political theories of the state, anthropological theories of the human, and philosophy itself, from the eighteenth-century Enlightenment to the present.

Carter's claim is that Christian theology, and the signal transformation it (along with Christianity) underwent, is at the heart of these legacies. In that transformation, Christian anti-Judaism biologized itself so as to racialize itself. As a result, and with the legitimation of Christian theology, Christianity became the cultural property of the West, the religious ground of white supremacy and global hegemony. In short, Christianity became white. The racial imagination is thus a particular kind of theological problem.

Not content only to describe this problem, Carter constructs a way forward for Christian theology. Through engagement with figures as disparate in outlook and as varied across the historical landscape as Immanuel Kant, Frederick Douglass, Jarena Lee, Michel Foucault, Cornel West, Albert Raboteau, Charles Long, James Cone, Irenaeus of Lyons, Gregory of Nyssa, and Maximus the Confessor, Carter reorients the whole of Christian theology, bringing it into the twenty-first century.

Neither a simple reiteration of Black Theology nor another expression of the new theological orthodoxies, this groundbreaking book will be a major contribution to contemporary Christian theology, with ramifications in other areas of the humanities.

這份思考,對咱們的本土神學、華人神學、漢語神學、東亞神學 ... 等等,不知又會帶來甚麼刺激/啟迪/挑戰?

Friday, 22 August 2008

颶風前夕,心動時刻 :: the afternoon before the storm

The forecast of tropical storm gave me a good pretext yesterday to go to my favourite market to stock up some food.  I actually enjoy the fresh food market, which is inexpensive and full of fresh supplies.  Apart from the lower prices, I like the feeling of being in the midst of common folks -- it satisfies my hypocritical self-righteous fantasy that I am living among the people.






兩個甚為巨型青瓜(黃瓜),九塊半(當然是港幣啦)= 70p (我常光顧的LIDL,超特價有可能買到,不過體積沒那麼大)。

四包蒜頭,三元正 = 20p(LIDL 每包正價69p,超減價可能會20p)。

兩扎蒜芯,八大元 = 55p (在愛丁堡沒見過)。

兩大個榨菜,四元 = 28p;菜莆九両,五元 = 35p (此等東西在愛丁堡無價)。





Thursday, 14 August 2008

何求 :: quests

The other day I met with some old friends whom I met in Boston decades ago.  One finally decided to abandon his original passport, as he found certain policies of his home country had gone beyond his tolerance.  Another said he did not like to live in the USA, as he did not want to collectively exploit other people.









C:政府對某個種族偏袒得太明顯太離譜了,雖然它從來都偏袒,我以前已經很不滿意,但這幾年變得實在太過份了 ...... 連批評這做法的自由都失去了 ...



M:是感情因素吧?你在美國日子短 ...



Y:相差很遠 ... [Y沒有糾正說,他是在『蘇格蘭』不是『英國』]



Monday, 4 August 2008

神學博士路遙遙(玖):: long road to theological doctorate (9)

時機的問題     a matter of timing

Over the past few decades till today, most ethnic Chinese theologians from East and Southeast Asia who pursue doctorates in western countries are between 30 and 40 years of age.  This is indeed an excellent timing in terms of a person's life journey.  (1) One should be experienced enough with life to face the various challenges of doing academic theology.  (2) One is still relatively free to go around, when pressures from family expectations are not yet that conspicuous (both from kids and parents).   There is of course the high price of putting down one's career when it is picking up speed.







問題是,三十多歲對不少人來說,正是個人事業與經濟條件急速向上攀爬的時候,在教會工作的,事奉也日見得心應手站上重要位置,要毅然放下離鄉別井埋頭苦幹,『甘於寂寞,專心研究一個問題』(again,a la 楊牧谷 via 李思敬),代價實在高昂。


如果閣下部署讀神學博士的時候已經年過四十,除非你已經有明確落實的去向/出路 —— 譬如你是某學府的儲備師資(faculty reserve),或者你早已獲得某學府虛位以待,或者你根本是某大教會/宗派/機構『包起』的,那作別論 —— 否則的話,我勸你在正式行動之前還是要三十個三思。因為讀完之後,你在很多人眼中已經『年事已高』,下一步的出路會特別困難,除非你自信有其他過人的獨特條件,令人可以『掩面不看』你的年紀。